Monday, September 27, 2004

Toronto Masterplan - Part II - Secret City

As part of the show at Shift Gallery that opens this Thurs Sept 30 @ 7pm
the Lomographic Society Canada will be kicking off the Toronto Masterplan - Part II - The Secret City. Show us seldom seen glimpses of the places and faces of T.O. through the eyes of lomography.

The lomographs from the Toronto Masterplan Part I will be on display during the whole exhibition and submissions will be accepted during the show. Same rules apply as for Part I - and lomolend cameras will be available at the gallery during the show for you to use.

LomoPrizes will be awarded for the top 5 entries. Submit soon and submit often!

Shift Gallery
688 Richmond Street West
Toronto, Ontario
M6J 1C5

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Oct 23rd - International Toy Camera Day

There is an international toy camera group who have declared
October 23rd "toy camera day". Have a look at the site
And be sure and take your Lomo out for the occasion!

Friday, September 10, 2004

LomoH2O exhibition now open!

The Lomo H20 opening was a splash hit. With lots of new and familiar faces alike to join us in launching a fabulous new show in Toronto, presenting a fresh take on water and what it means to us humans through thewonders of lomography. Lomo H20 artists were eager to see each other's work and converse with guests. The Tiger Beers were going faster than we could hand them out, and the buzz was all about the Frogeye, and just what this camera could do? So why don't you answerthat question and submit your Frogeye lomographs for our Lomo H20 Open Wall? it's ready and waiting foryou!
Thanks again to our sponsors Lomo, Tiger Beer and Toronto Image Works for helping us make the launch ofLomo H20 such a huge success. Hope to see your lomographs in or on water soon!
Alice Dixon Lomo H20 curator

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Trigger Happy Shutter Fingers Official Site

check it out and hope to see you at the opening!